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My Self My Own Product

Saturday 30 July 2011

Better Future

My life now have a brighter future ..

Be grateful with what Allah has given you ..

Thanks to the efforts I have done ..

Now I am more confident in shaping My life ..

To my family thank you for all the motivation ..

Thanks to many friends who support ..

I hope this will be the catalyst for success ..

Made me as a useful ..

As one who helped develop the nation ..

Tuesday 26 July 2011

This is the fate

Maybe I was not able to convince you anymore ..

Maybe I have a lot of trouble to you ..

Maybe I did a lot of guilty without me realizing it ..

Maybe that's what I did not realize ..

If it is true that force you to distanced yourself ..

If that may annoy you ..

If it makes you feel emotionally wounded with me ..

If that was the cause of all unruliness..

I was Redha not to bother you again ..

I hope you will find the happiness that you desired ..

Thanks for pleasing me so far ..

And thanks for everything.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Untuk 'kamu'


Waktu aku masuk melepasi pintu....

Dari jauh aku dah nampak kamu...

Kamu duduk atas kerusi depan PC...

Makin dekat aku berjalan ke arah kamu...

Aku curi2 menjeling pada kamu...

Aku takut kamu perasan...

Aku buat2 tak nampak kamu...

Itulah saat mulanya aku kenal kamu...

Dari saat itu jaga aku cari jalan nak kenal kamu...

Satu hari manager kamu datang jumpa aku...

Manager itu nyatakan dia masih belum jumpa QC baru...

Lalu aku cadangkan Nama kamu...

Mula2 nampak macam dia Ignore je...

Tapi esoknya Leader aku minta sesuatu...

Dia minta aku ajarkan kamu buat inspection...

Masa tulah saat mulanya mata accident...

Sampai sekarang dan bila2 pun aku ingat lagi detik itu.


Waktu aku masuk melepasi pintu....
Dari jauh aku dah nampak kamu...
Kamu duduk atas kerusi depan
Believe in yourself before you know me

Activate My Self

I have started Posted get back the golden age which has long been gone.